Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Admission Letters...

We all know what they are, right? We've all waited feverishly at the door for the mail courier to bring one to us. We've all hoped, wished and prayed for one. They act as a tangible Rite of Passage. For Tiger Woods, he wrote his own admission letter in the form of a press release explaining his regrets for his 'transgressions'. From the moment he hit SEND he then had been admitted to full fledge stardom. I really wanted to stay away from this whole thing when the story first broke last week Thursday. I had just arrived to New York City when I heard the news and the words, "It is not known why Woods was driving at 2am". Puhleeze, I thought. I could be driving at 2am on any given night - not a big deal.I was disgusted. I told myself I was not going to pay any attention to this foolishness. If anything, I wanted to make it kind of fairy-tale like, with his distraught wife playing a real-life heroine, breaking the window and rescuing her man from danger! But then there was talk of a mistress? And then another? And THEN a voicemail from Tiger himself? Okay. So what he had an affair(s). It is almost expected of these athletes, right? Though I must admit that I was a little bit shocked that Tiger would cheat on his wife. I don't know....I just always saw him as so focused and humble and even a little serious. I remember him on Oprah years ago explaining his heritage and coining the term CABLANASIAN. He was so sweet. And then many years later on Ellen he exemplified patience and determination even while the light-hearted comedian did her best to make him laugh, dance, flinch....something! Truth be told, I still feel the same way about him in spite of all the recent talk. He is human. He made a mistake. One not that uncommon. Let his wife, Elin present and handle the ramifications of his trangressions. And while I think being famous is one of the hardest things, this scandal and his admission letter prove his rite to super-stardom. It is what MUST happen. I wish it weren't but it is. Maybe he just got caught up in his own celebrity thinking he could 'get away' with anything. I believe a person should be judged on their values as well as their character, however I don't know what it is like to have THAT much money and power. I am sure it can make most circumstances entirely different. It is almost like this admission letter is not just a Rite of Passage to fame in HD but also basic humanity....filled with bad choices and mistakes. Keep ya head up, Tiger....this too shall pass and you will have the chance to re-write your letter.

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