Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mork and Mindy

In a half-sleep mode, I was getting ready for the gym the other day and happened to catch a few minutes of the old (late 70s to early 80s) sitcom Mork and Mindy. I realize that I miss sitcoms - the innocense of them...with the bad one-liners and the seemingly easiness of complex relationships. Like, he was a martian? Really? Priceless. Before 'reality' tv and the self-depricating themes of more recent sitcoms (like, Friends), shows like Mork and Mindy had a HUGE imagination shown in the trappings of everyday life. Check out this epi (shown in five parts on youtube, only two have been posted) how it mentions very quickly some of the major issues that plague us today - and the source for many commercials on CNN - energy conservation and prescription pills. Ha!