Argh! I wish I was back in DC for this day cuz I am SURE there was some fierce'ness happening on the hill to pay tribute to this great day. No matter what city you are in though, there is reason to pay tribute to all the femme fabs. And what better time than the present? Just last night, at the Academy Awards, Kathryn Bigelow claimed Oscar victory by being the first female director to EVER win! How amazing is that?! I haven't seen the famed movie, The Hurt Locker - I never even heard of it prior to yesterday - but I am sure it deserves all the accolades.
For me the Oscars is about the fashion since I am really not into movies that much, but I respect the craft SO much. I was really happy to see my girl Monique bring home her very own 'gold man'. Precious was one of the movies I actually did see and in my humble opinion, she deserved it. She graced that stage in blue hue heaven and spoke from her HEART. I was proud. I love that she got the opportunity to show us another side of her that is beyond her super size but more about her enormous talent.
I am also seeing another side of former Miss Universe Wendy Fitzwilliam. I actually hate pagentry....I actually believe it has everything to do with what International Women's Day is all about, which I guess is open for debate. Throughout all my carnival experiences I've looked forward to seeing her on the road in all her glory...she is a knockout. I am reading her book, Letters to Ailan, and not only my perception of her is changing but also pagentry on a whole. I am just a short ways in and my gauge is different. Perhaps I'll do a review later but for now her prose is personal and powerful...
To all my girlfriends, aunties, cousins, political leaders and my Mummy....all those that I consider fantastic for so many different reasons...this is OUR day. Matriachs tuh de wurlllllll!
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